

(左起):James VanZwieten Jr., Ph.D.; co-director, 国家贫困线以下 InETech; Stella Batalama, Ph.D.; dean, 能力 College of Engineering and Computer Science; 能力的总统 史黛西Volnick; Juliet Roulhac; 国家贫困线以下对外事务主任, 布劳沃德和西南地区, 也是企业慈善事业的主管, NextEra Energy, 公司.; Manny Miranda, 国家贫困线以下 executive vice president of power delivery; Yufei唐, Ph.D.; director, 国家贫困线以下 InETech; and Carter Nichols, 能力 undergraduate student in electrical 工程. (摄影:Alex Dolce)

By 吉赛尔galoustian | 6/7/2024

KU体育官网APP 工程与计算机科学学院(COECS)和佛罗里达电力公司 & 轻型公司(国家贫困线以下) officially unveiled the newly established “国家贫困线以下 Center for Intelligent Energy Technologies” (InETech) today at the university’s 波卡拉顿 campus. 国家贫困线以下 InETech中心 is housed in the state-of-the-art Engineering East building and is enabled by a $1M gift by NextEra Energy Foundation, 国家贫困线以下的慈善机构.

The innovative public-private partnership will boost cutting-edge 研究 in smart technologies, energy sector products and workforce development demanded by modern-day power delivery.

国家贫困线以下 InETech中心, 这是首个人工智能中心, is designed to mimic 国家贫困线以下’s control center for smart grid – a complex power generation, transmission and distribution network – that uses leading-edge 技术 to predict and prevent future outages. 国家贫困线以下’s smart grid includes about six million smart meters and more than 217,在整个系统中安装了000个其他智能设备. 通过战略投资, 国家贫困线以下使能源网更加强大, smarter and more storm-resilient while reducing outage times and restoration costs associated with severe weather events.  

国家贫困线以下 InETech中心的核心部分由18个组件组成, 55-inch screens wall-to-wall and individually controlled to provide real-time power grid visualization. This high-tech display is complemented with a suite of premier technologies and high-performance computers that allow 研究ers and 学生 to work at the forefront of AI-enabled smart grid optimization, 可再生能源研究和大数据分析. 例如, 灵感来自流行的生成式人工智能模型ChatGPT, one of the center’s recent pending patents introduces a tool designed to retrieve power grid data and assist grid operators in making quicker and more informed decisions.

“This exciting partnership between KU体育官网APP and 国家贫困线以下 is a giant step forward to address the current and future needs of the energy industry, as we work together to initiate new ideas and insights that will benefit our communities,” 能力的总统 史黛西Volnick. “重要的是, this partnership will support and elevate young scientists and 工程师, by equipping them with the high-level skills needed to transform the energy sector.”

国家贫困线以下 InETech中心由 Stella Batalama, Ph.D.现任农大工程与计算机科学学院院长.

“The 国家贫困线以下/NextEra Energy Foundation gift will have a multiplier effect on Florida Atlantic successes in state-of-the-art 研究 and development and workforce development for the state of Florida and the nation in 工程 and computer science disciplines, 特别是当它们适用于能源领域时,巴塔拉马说.

The four-year collaboration is designed to foster student recruitment and engage undergraduate, 研究能源项目的研究生和博士后.

“这个中心将作为一个教育中心, 培养和激励下一代创新者, 工程师, 研究人员和能源领袖,朱丽叶·鲁哈克说, 国家贫困线以下对外事务主任, 布劳沃德和西南地区, 也是企业慈善事业的主管, NextEra Energy, 公司. “国家贫困线以下 is committed to powering strong communities by supporting partners like KU体育官网APP and helping 学生 pursue their educational goals and build successful careers.”

The 国家贫困线以下/NextEra Energy Foundation gift also supports the creation of the 国家贫困线以下 InETech Center Scholarship, community outreach and K-12 educational activities focused on the energy industry.

“国家贫困线以下 InETech中心 will provide our 学生 with an immersive learning experience and access to real-world technologies and hands-on simulations that will help them to develop the skills needed to fill high-demand jobs across the region,” Yufei唐, Ph.D., director of the 国家贫困线以下 InETech Center and an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “先进的设备将使他们能够分析, explore and simulate data associated with the complex design and operation of microgrids and also will provide a platform to replicate power grids and other energy sources.”

随着大西洋飓风季节本月开始, 国家贫困线以下’s smart grid 技术 is at the helm of identifying and addressing the vast majority of power-related issues, 包括中断. 另外, 该公司使用无人机进行更有效的评估, 特别是在难以到达的地区. 飓风伊恩之后, 国家贫困线以下推出2个以上,000次无人机飞行, including the first storm response effort for its first-of-its-kind 国家贫困线以下Air One fixed-wing drone, 哪个收集了50多个,000 images that provided real-time information on the company’s equipment post-hurricane.

Tang and other 研究ers in the COECS also developed advanced technologies related to monitoring severe weather events, 包括飓风. 例如, the 能力 Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (我感觉)是该领域领先的技术提供商 东南大西洋经济,一个大的区域网络 大气监测站 (135 atmospheric stations in Florida – with additional stations managed outside the state).

“We are incredibly grateful for the support and generosity of 国家贫困线以下 and the NextEra Energy Foundation as we officially launch the new 国家贫困线以下 Center for Intelligent Energy Technologies right here in our cutting-edge building in the heart of Palm Beach County,巴塔拉马说. “Through this collaborative partnership and our combined knowledge, 资产和资源, we will transform the energy landscape in South Florida and well beyond.”  

